School Houses
House Captain/ House
There are 3 different school houses at Frank Barnes, the names were decided by the children. The houses are named after inspirational people in the Deaf community. They are:
Sandra David: Yellow
Robert Adam: Orange
Deepa Shastri : Purple.
Each house has an equal number of children of different ages across the school. Children will join the same house as their siblings.
Children can earn house points by demonstrating good behaviour, a good attitude, working hard and helping other children. Towards the end of school year we count the number of house points each house has achieved. The house with the most house points will be rewarded with a special end of term school trip. The children suggest where they would like to go and each child votes from a choice of suggestions. For the last 3 years, each house had been awarded trips to Thorpe Park or Chessington World of Adventures.
We select Year 6 students to be our house captains. Each house captain is chosen to be good role model to the younger children. They must have good relationships with children and staff and encourage the children to have a positive attitude towards school. Every Friday, they collect the house points from each class to add to the weekly total which is revealed in a whole school assembly.