Home School Communication Project
For many years, we have run a Home School Communication Project (HSCP) for targeted families to deliver the Family Sign Language Curriculum to improve communication between the child and their family at home. The sessions are delivered by deaf Family Communication Support Workers (FCSW) who visit the family home on a weekly basis, or have sessions virtually using Zoom after school in the evenings. The project aims to break down communication barriers and increase fluency of British Sign Language (BSL) at home and improve communication through BSL between parents, siblings, other relatives, the deaf children and the wider community. This is especially important for families where English is not spoken at home. The sessions are interactive and include a combination of one-to-one tuition, paired / group work and playing games using BSL to encourage interaction between the parents and their deaf child.
We work closely with the Royal Association for the Deaf people (RAD) who support us with running and overseeing this project.
In order to sustain this project, we rely heavily on fundraising from donations. Please use the link below to make a donation, however small, to make sure this project can continue to benefit our pupils and their families:
Please see the video for more information.